Borrasca Envelope Follower for Live 11 & 12
Borrasca Envelope Follower is a Max For Live modulator audio effect.
The envelope follower algorithm was custom tuned to a larger range than Live's native envelope follower. It goes from very smooth and slow to near audio rate.
Audio input is taken either from the device input or the sidechain dropdown.
Mapping to parameters works as in Borrasca LFO5: The value slider sets the starting value of the modulation and the mod %-slider sets the range from -100% to 100%.
Included is a separate version that can only be used in Live 12. This version uses the live.modulate~ object instead or live.remote~, which means that any mapped parameter is not completely taken over by the M4L device, but instead remains adjustable and automatable while being modulated. This removed the need for the Value slider.
The device will remember mappings when saved within a rack or project, and when moving either the device itself or the target device around.
May 19th 2024
- Bugfixed and improved map buttons to work as well as in Live's official modulator devices by copying abstractions from them
- All sliders can now be modulated by other M4L devices
- Added uni- & bipolar switch buttons. These were copied from Live's native modulators and work the same way, except the default is unipolar.
Move Borrasca Envelope Follower.amxd to:
Windows: \Users\[username]\Documents\Ableton\User Library\Presets\Audio Effects\Max Audio Effect
Mac: Macintosh HD/Users/[username]/Music/Ableton/User Library/Presets/Audio Effects/Max Audio Effect
Borrasca Envelope Follower.amxd